Saturday, September 27, 2014

My sister takes everything!

My little sister takes everything from me! I'm getting sick of it!!!!!!! She took my all-time favorite cereal, Count Chocula. I've always eaten it since I was a kid, she never cared for it before, I start eating it and she's like "Count Chocula? I want to have some now." What the fuck?! I swear she did that to spite me! She takes my clothes. Because of her, I don't have any sweatpants. Including my shirts that still fit me! As a kid, she took my toys. When she didn't take them, she destroyed them. Like my favorite rag doll, she drew all over the doll's face. That doll was irreplaceable because the store where I got it from stopped selling them all together. She took my jewelry and my nail polishes. She even took my room! As a baby, her room was downstairs and my room was upstairs. Then, when she got older (2 or 3 years old) I had to move in the next room over! Yeah--I had to move and she ended up getting the room with the bigger closet...MY ROOM! She also took my interests! I like anime, especially InuYasha and all of a sudden she's interested in it now when she didn't even know about anime! She took my look and style! She took my straight hair down look and my fashion sense for black lace, converse shoes, and faux leather jackets! She took my taste in music! She took my old mp3 player and refused to delete my already downloaded screamo music. She even took my mattress! We were getting new mattress, I chose the soft one because I get back pains but no I get stuck with the stiffly uncomfortable floral print one and she gets the nice one!

I'VE HAD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014


my dad says i should appreciate them more by doing the dishes. what the fuck?! the only person who is under-appreciated is me! i do stuff around the house without being asked and do they notice? fuck no! they think i don't appreciate them? oh so all times i showed genuine gratitude was horse shit?! ugh! i can't wait to move out of this fucking house!!!!!!!!!!


i try to make a convo with my family...keyword: TRY! apparently they don't wanna listen or give a rat's ass to care about what i have to say. the bullshit they put them every fucking day, it makes me wanna kick i fuckin wall in. i think it would be better if i just don't talk to them unless necessary. they probably be better off if i shut up for once so they won't have to pretend to ignore me.