Thursday, October 15, 2015

Mom: anti-gay hypocrite part 2

My mom says she's not anti-gay but I claim bull shit!!!!!!

My local college's PRIDE club was having a bake sale (of course I made something for the bake sale) and they were giving out free PRIDE flag stickers. Of course I took one and wore it proudly on my shirt. After school, my mom picks me up and sees the sticker. She's like, "School's over. You take it [the sticker] off now."

One: what the fuck does school have to do with me wearing the sticker?!
and two: for someone who claims she is not anti-gay she sure as hell acts like it

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Mom's birthday

Today is my mom's birthday. And she's being a total brat right now.

First off, she started celebrating a day early! 

Second, she wants to celebrate it until Monday so it's not a birthday but a birthweek!!

Third, when anyone tries to talk to her she'll say "Be quiet. It's not your birthday."

What the fuck?! This bitch is 47 and is actually like she's fucking 5!!!!

She better remember this when it's my birthday cuz there will be hell to pay!!!


Fucking favoritism in this house!!
My sister has a headache..everyone be quiet we don't want it to worsen.

But when I have a loud as shit!


Sorry for the short post...I'm posting a little late so I don't remember all that happened.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

my mom: most difficult woman ever

Why does my mom have to be so difficult?

Work called me in and asked if I could work. Well I need money so I said yes. Told my mom I'm working until closing (9:30 PM) and she is flipping out saying "No! Tell them to change it to 8:00 PM...your dad is going in early?"

one: if i say 8:00 PM, that's only 3 hours not even a full work day
two: what does dad going in early have to do with me? you'd still have to pick me up from work but you'll just have to bring queen bitch (my little sister) with you

three: quit complaining! i have a job now! i'm working and making money so shut the fuck up already!!!!
I swear that bitch has control issues!

Monday, September 28, 2015

really -_-

My fucking Dad!

It's time to go to school. Dad sets the alarm on the house, didn't even give me a heads up at all. I hear the alarm doing its countdown so I get up. And he gets mad at me. What the fuck?! For one, you have more than one kid. And two you didn't give me the heads up like you usually do.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ugh this family

Guess who's grounded? Yeah me xP
and shit I did when I was young that my parents are finding out about now
Long story short:
Little bitch sister is having "issues" and a lot of things were said and some old truths came out
(The conversation: "we want you guys to come to us when you have problems with anything.")
Really? I can't even be my fucking self (genderfluid lesbian who's into emo/gothic "culture") at home

So she gets counselling and kickboxing lessons (a slap on the wrist so to speak)
As for me...I can't drive (even though I barely do that anyway), I can't go out with friends (which I barely do anyway), and I have to do the dishes from now on. So I get the motherfucking shaft...again.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

all they do is judge

My family can't go one day minute without judging someone they see on the street.
I mean I sometimes judge people too but I do it in silence.

They have to say it loud and roast people like insecure high school cheerleaders.
Sometimes those people can hear them, ya know?  

Make up your mind

Trying to have a conversation with my dad...yeah it didn't pan out well.

A: Mom tell you I joined a gym?
D: Oh -_- where?
A: At Richland. I start Monday so I'll drive
D: How about asking me?

Uh, cuz the last few times I did ask you for your car you got annoyed and said "You don't have to ask. Just tell me when you driving and just go. [Be careful]."

First you say the Jeep was mine when I turned sixteen and now your face turns up when I say "My Jeep."

Then you say I can take it, quit asking, as long as I tell you I'm taking the Jeep now you say I need to quit being rude and ask you for the Jeep.

And my mom wonders why I don't talk to my father much -_- cuz stuff like this happens

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sorry for not posting

Hey readers,

Sorry for not posting in awhile. It's not because my life is getting better cuz it's not. It's because I haven't been able to reach a computer, school work, and I've been working on my LGBTQQIA blog.

I promise to find some time to post.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Trip to Tennessee

My 4th of July weekend sucked.

My sister kept getting an attitude with me the whole 6 hour drive. Then when I tried to stand up for myself against her, my mom starts yelling at me. She should have been yelling at my sister for starting the argument with me.

Later that night, she's Face Timing her friend. My mom said 2 minutes then stop. More than 2 minutes roll by, she's still talking. I say, "Hey it's been over 2 minutes. Shut it down." Her response, "Why is you worrying about it?" Before I can retort, my mom yells at me claiming she said 10 not 2. I fucking heard two minutes. Besides it was almost midnight and some of use were trying to sleep damn it. So guess who cried herself to sleep that night? Yeah, me.

Next day, argument now with my handicapped aunt. My aunt and I were arguing about my baby cousin. She says, "I was not talking to you. I was talking to (insert other aunt name here." Man, I was about to lose my shit. But I didn't. I walked away. I go back to my room and then I get into an argument with my sister again. My mom takes sister's side obviously. I leave and hide out in the bathroom for awhile. When I finally come out, I cry myself to sleep once again.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Motivation to move out

My sister used my bathroom!!!! We had an agreement, she doesn't use my bathroom and I don't flip out on her. Now she went back on our agreement!

I can't wait until I move out!!! The anger and desire for freedom is my motivation to leave this goddamn fucking hell hole once and for all!!!!! 

100th post!

Wow, my 100th blog post.

Parents talking about the old days and how bad they were.

I know how bad it was back then. You don't have to keep fucking reminding me every goddamn day!!!!! How about how bad it is now?!!! Back then, it already happened. Shit is happening right fucking now!!! So you can fuck off damn it!!!!

If I have hear one more goddamn fucking complaint about how bad it was, I'm gonna fucking lose it shit!!!! 

Economics teacher is a dick

I send him an email and I asked for extra credit to boost my grade since I was failing. He replied...

This was his reply:
There is not extra credit I can offer you.  It is obvious to me that your significant issue is paying attention to detail and putting forth time/effort outside of class.  A majority of your lost points are a direct result of this.  I can see just from a quick glance at your GDP assignment that this will also be true most recently.

Giving extra work would only perpetuate this problem.  My recommendation to you is that this class becomes your #1 priority.  At this point you should be spending hours each night studying, reading/rewriting notes, working on assignments, and reading through directions carefully.  Too many of your lost points are obviously the result of you writing the first thing that comes to mind without actually spending time to think it through, or think about how it fits into the course so far.

A simple no would have sufficed jackass!!! He pretty much said I was an idiot. I try my damn hardest but he wasn't making it easy!!!! I would've had a better grade if he hadn't screwed me over on the first assignment!!!!!!

First assignment: Watch [insert president Obama speech here] and then take the test. I watched it and took the test. I flunked it! This fucking shitsack of a Doctor Evil reject didn't bother to tell me to watch the one from 2015!!!!!! I watched last years. So yeah....I swear he had something against me.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Complain to my face

My dad was complaining about me to my mom. And my mom had to talk to me about it! Uh if you have a problem with me file the complaint to my face! Don't do it behind my back! Especially don't talk about it to your wife instead of your daughter!

Been awhile

Ello my readers! I know it's been awhile since I've complained. No my life hasn't gotten any still sucks ass. I just haven't had time to post cuz I've been tryin to deal with...well everything. But I'm gonna try to find some time and post more often.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sister hogging the bathroom

My little sister hogged the bathroom the other day...for over 2 hours!!!! Two hours??!!! Are you fucking kidding me??!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!? It was the weekend and we weren't even going anywhere! What was the point of her trying to doll herself up? 

I only take less than 40 minutes in the bathroom:

  • 10 minutes: brushing teeth/washing face
  • 5-10 minutes: showering
  • rest of the time: drying off, lotioning, and getting dressed. 

It should not take a fucking 13-year old over two hours to get dressed!!!! God! She fucking pisses me off in more ways than you can imagine!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mom has a low-opinion of me

My mom must have a very low opinion of me. She want me to date (guys) before i go away to college so she doesn't get a phone call from saying im pregnant. Um wow Mom. You really think that little of me? That I'll get knocked up before i get my degree? Also whenever she has a nightmare about something attacking the family, Im the one who runs away like a coward. What the fuck?

As you can see, my mom thinks very little of me.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Oh sweet karma

Oh how I love karma.

I had thoughts about getting revenge on my bitch sister. And sweet beautiful karma did just that >:)

In her gym class, a big black board fell on her (2-month) new iPhone 5s. It shattered the screen and now she can't use it. So she needed to get it repaired BUT it'll be a few days until she can get it back and she can't get a replacement phone.

Ha-ha! Take that you fucking bitch-ass whore!!!!!

Sister's birthday vs my birthday

I am soo glad her birthday is over! I couldn't take much more of her fucking shit!!!!!!

Her birthday:

  • Celebrated it a day earlier
  • Got breakfast from McDonald's
  • Got actual presents and $105
  • Wore a crown like an obnoxious bitch
  • Got more presents on her actual birthday

My birthday:

  • Breakfast: freezer-froze mini pancakes
  • Got cards and $20
  • Got NO presents

As you can see, my parents care more about my sister turning 13 than me turning 19!!!!! Again, with the favorite child!!!

Sister is really pushing the envelope

I am getting tired of her shit!!!!!

  • Her stupid phrases and sayings!
    • "On fleek", "Thot", etc.
  • Her comments
    • I'm weird...I complain..and I can see really good because of my glasses
      • Yes, I know I'm weird and I complain alot so FUCKING WHAT!!!??? I don't need some ghetto wannabe bitch who dresses like a sluttish hooker to tell me otherwise!!!
  • Her telling me i'm loud
    • Oh, I'm loud? BITCH I'LL SHOW YOU LOUD!!!!!!!
      • And she's louder than me at times but this particular time I was not loud!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

My Math teacher

My math teacher needs to know when to shut the fuck up! This man goes on and on everyday about how easy math was for him when he was much younger! Not only is he bragging, this motherfucker is looking down on the whole class. He teaches us difficult problems and expects us to solve it in 3 minutes. The fuck?!! It takes you 10 minutes to fucking explain it to us!!!! And because he prefers telling stories instead of teaching the lesson, the class runs 10 minutes into overtime!!!!!!!!

My advice for my math teacher:
1) Shut the fuck up about yourself you egotistical pompous dick!
2) Don't expect us to solve a difficult problem in less than 3 minutes if it takes you fucking 10 to 15 minutes to explain it!!!
3) Instead of wasting time reminiscing about past math and how easy it was, how about teaching us present math in the 50 minutes like you're suppose to?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My mom always has to be right

My mom just loves proving me wrong. We were at IHOP and I want to order the Pick-a-pancake combo and she's arguing with me on what is actually in the combo! The combo consists of two eggs, two bacon strips or pork sausage links, and hash browns with 2 pancakes of my choosing. This woman is literally debating with me saying that I have to choose between getting hash browns or bacon/sausage (as in according to the menu I can't have both). The menu fucking says bacon or sausage AND hash browns! And then she argues with me about a coupon! A fucking coupon!

That woman just always has to be right! God, I'm so sick of it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I won the battle of love

It seems I won the battle of my girlfriend's affections. Suck on that jackass! Ha! XD
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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My family

Dad: Complains about me to my mom
If you have a problem with me, SAY IT TO MY FUCKING FACE!

Mom: Still controlling
God! I get so tired of her shit!(Feb 1st) she trying to tell me what to wear to church. I was wearing a nice green sweater and nice dark blue jeans. Apparently, that wasn't appropriate enough! BITCH FUCK YOU! My sister was wearing a low-cut white top (that revealed a lot of cleavage) and black skinny jeans. And I can't wear a simple pair of pants and she can walk around looking like a sophisticated hooker?! Yeah, that seems fair.

Sister: Still dresses like a slut with much cleavage for a twelve year old!
Good news is she's having problems at school. I warned that bitch middle school was gonna be hard and shit was gonna get real in contrast to her imagination of "middle school being happiness and rainbows and I'm gonna be popular" ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT! Her constant singing still annoys the shit out of me! This ain't Glee or High School Musical! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Can't wait til I raise enough to move out and i'll never have to deal with these assholes ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Math teacher

Oh my God! My math teacher is sooo boring! He goes on and on about the history of math when we start to take notes. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND PURE IN THIS FORSAKEN UNIVERSE, GET ON WITH IT!!! And today he spent ten minutes of class trying to prove a point on how to solve an equation when using the easy way. And to top it off, this teacher was accused of being a molester at my old high school. WHAT THE HELL? How in the fuck are you a college math teacher now?!

My relationship status

Ashley and I are back together...again for the fourth or fifth time. Who knows how long we'll last this time?
She finally texted me and apologized for everything.
Answers to my questions:
YES she indeed cheated on me and she regrets it
She only did it to protect me from getting hurt (too late for that I might add)
And apparently this dickmunch was crazy and abusive. But don't worry that dick will get what's coming to him one way or another >:)

As for my relationship: it's complicated
I still spy on dickhead's post on Facebook. He still talks about being with MY Ashley and apparently they're engaged! WHAT THE FUCK????!!!!!!! After seeing that, I checked her relationship status and it said in a relationship with me plus she said the fucker was crazy. Honestly I don't know what to believe at this point. I wanna trust her but she lied to me before what makes me think she isn't doing it again.

Hello Readers

Sorry I haven't been posting in a couple months.
Been up to my eyeballs in homework, job hunting, and scholarship applying
so i haven't exactly had time to vent out my pain and anger.