Tuesday, September 29, 2015

my mom: most difficult woman ever

Why does my mom have to be so difficult?

Work called me in and asked if I could work. Well I need money so I said yes. Told my mom I'm working until closing (9:30 PM) and she is flipping out saying "No! Tell them to change it to 8:00 PM...your dad is going in early?"

one: if i say 8:00 PM, that's only 3 hours not even a full work day
two: what does dad going in early have to do with me? you'd still have to pick me up from work but you'll just have to bring queen bitch (my little sister) with you

three: quit complaining! i have a job now! i'm working and making money so shut the fuck up already!!!!
I swear that bitch has control issues!

Monday, September 28, 2015

really -_-

My fucking Dad!

It's time to go to school. Dad sets the alarm on the house, didn't even give me a heads up at all. I hear the alarm doing its countdown so I get up. And he gets mad at me. What the fuck?! For one, you have more than one kid. And two you didn't give me the heads up like you usually do.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ugh this family

Guess who's grounded? Yeah me xP
and shit I did when I was young that my parents are finding out about now
Long story short:
Little bitch sister is having "issues" and a lot of things were said and some old truths came out
(The conversation: "we want you guys to come to us when you have problems with anything.")
Really? I can't even be my fucking self (genderfluid lesbian who's into emo/gothic "culture") at home

So she gets counselling and kickboxing lessons (a slap on the wrist so to speak)
As for me...I can't drive (even though I barely do that anyway), I can't go out with friends (which I barely do anyway), and I have to do the dishes from now on. So I get the motherfucking shaft...again.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

all they do is judge

My family can't go one day minute without judging someone they see on the street.
I mean I sometimes judge people too but I do it in silence.

They have to say it loud and roast people like insecure high school cheerleaders.
Sometimes those people can hear them, ya know?  

Make up your mind

Trying to have a conversation with my dad...yeah it didn't pan out well.

A: Mom tell you I joined a gym?
D: Oh -_- where?
A: At Richland. I start Monday so I'll drive
D: How about asking me?

Uh, cuz the last few times I did ask you for your car you got annoyed and said "You don't have to ask. Just tell me when you driving and just go. [Be careful]."

First you say the Jeep was mine when I turned sixteen and now your face turns up when I say "My Jeep."

Then you say I can take it, quit asking, as long as I tell you I'm taking the Jeep now you say I need to quit being rude and ask you for the Jeep.

And my mom wonders why I don't talk to my father much -_- cuz stuff like this happens

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sorry for not posting

Hey readers,

Sorry for not posting in awhile. It's not because my life is getting better cuz it's not. It's because I haven't been able to reach a computer, school work, and I've been working on my LGBTQQIA blog.

I promise to find some time to post.