Sunday, August 7, 2016

Low opinion

Nice to know my own dad has such a low opinion of me.

I was going to a spa. Dad asked where and I told him. He turned his face up at the name. He had heard rumors that it was shady like they had a back room for guys to fuck. I did my research. The Facebook reviews gave it a pretty decent score (and it was mostly women). I even asked my aunt who went there and she said it was okay. I tried to convince my parents that it was okay and they of course they didn't budge.

My dad said, "Fine. If your face ends up on Facebook, don't come crying to me."

Basically he called me a whore.
Wow, dad. Nice to know how you think of me. What he said can be taken different ways:
  1. Calling his kid a whore
  2. Being put on some type of revenge porn like a Lifetime movie and him not even caring

Just wow dad....that was a whole new low


I hate the patriarchy of the house!

  1. I can't eat until my dad eats.
  2. I can't have the last of something if he wants it.*

*My dad and I feuded....over hamburger buns. My mom made burgers for dinner. The amount of buns were limited. He wanted buns for his burgers and so did I. He told me to use bread slices. To me, bread is demeaning for a burger. (Don't ask me why. It's just how I am. Bread slices for sandwiches, buns for burgers.) I told him I wanted buns and he can use bread since I've seen him use bread slices for bread before. Here's how this conversation continued:
Dad: Who I am?
Me: Dad
Dad: What do I do?
Me: (i didn't answer)
dad: who buys the groceries?
me: (still no answer)

If he wants to get technical, mom buys the groceries not him. he fucking lucky i kept my mouth shut. otherwise that high fucking horse of his would get pretty motherfucking small!

Being my parent's bitch

I hate being my parent's bitch. They make me do everything around the house. 

  1. Vacuum
  2. put groceries away
  3. dishes
  4. trash

You know what my sister does? My sister does absolutely nothing! Does this asswipe even have a chore?! Everything gets done for her. My dad gets her trash from her room. My mom gets her laundry to take downstairs.

Just a week or two, then I am done being their little bitch. Maybe my sister will be their new bitch....not -_-

So unfair

My parents are so unfair to me! 

My dad gave my sister a Swiss army knife and not me! I have been asking for years for a Swiss army knife and I kept getting denied. My sister is a high school freshman and she gets one?! So fucking unfair! 
My mom is such a hypocritic! I'm not allowed to walk around the house in my bra. And my sister gets to walk around in hers?!!! WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?!!!!!

I fuck swear this family just ARGH!!!!!