Thursday, August 29, 2013


Oh the ancient sibling rivalry question: Who's the favorite?
Back when it was just me and my step-brother, he (probably) was favorite at his place and I was favorite at mine. But since my sister was born, no one gives a shit about me. It's like when I try to play favs now, everyone gets pissed off.
  • For example, my sister and I take the same allergy pills. There was 1 left in the bottle. My mom decided i should get it. Then my dad has a hiss fit about me getting the last pill and says my sister deserves more than me.
When my sister plays fav, I am nothing! She gets a new bike...I don't even get pitty money. She gets a dessert at a restaurant...still nothing for me. She gets 3 doll houses....I can't even get a new desk. They'll take her to the mall to eat at Vinnie's...they won't take me to the library for books!

Ya see how the scale shifts to her side? -_-

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