Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Apparently, there is a new rumor about me goin around (between my friends). If being called a bi-slut wasn't bad enough, the universe proved me wrong. Turns i'm either in a cult or startin one. What the fuck?!! r u kidding me???!!!!! a cult?!! seriously! y dont u guys say i'm witch while ur at it! God! wen im find the asshole who started this fucking rumor, i will break their spirit and make them suffer. when this is over, there will be hell to pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >[
Monday, December 2, 2013
Worst Thanksgiving ever!
How was everyone's Thanksgiving? A hell of a lot better than mine!!! why was my thanksgiving so bad you ask? I will tell you readers. I had the stomach flu on Thanksgiving! The stomach flu! That's like the worst thing to happen to you on Thanksgiving! Anyone who says that is not the worst thing to happen to on Thanksgiving shut the fuck up! Cuz it is the worst thing tht can happen. I smell all the goodies my mom is fixin for dinner and I can't eat any of it! Just bland crap...plain toast, tea, chicken broth..etc. Plus I missed getting 2 c my fav (female) cousin and her baby and they live so far away they can only visit once in a blue moon! And I still have the stomach flu if you're all wondering. Come on really?!?! Stomach flu for 5 days and counting?!?! And since apparently the stomach flu is contagious my father who is suppose to help take care of me refuses to be anywhere near me unlike my mom is pretty much babying me.
Monday, November 25, 2013
my family is pissin me off!!!!
Argh! My family is pissin me off! My sister starts complaining (and by complainin i mean making incoherent shrieking noises) about me turning on the light. I couldnt c and plus she had her feet on my jackets! Then my mom busts into my room yellin y i turned on the light when ashley told me 2 turn them off. Then my dad starts snappin bout me leavin the light and fan on. Ok i get the light (electric bill) but if i dont keep my room chilled i cant breathe in my room! God! Do they want me 2 die?! Obviously, they care if my sister does but not me clearly!!! Holy mary mother of shit! I can't wait til my girl and i get an apartment 2gether...cuz after i move out i aint comin back (maybe 4 x-mas and my birthday 2 get my presents but thts it!)!!@!!@!!
I hate being a girl
Pros and cons of being a female: *=are what apply 2 me right now
-free drinks (lame!)
-i wont the same mistakes my (male) cousins made
-i wont the same mistakes my (male) cousins made
-painful child births
*-menstrual cycles
-can get easily raped
-not treated equal
*-cant have an open relationship with my girlfriend
-bigger expectations from me
-ppl doubt me
-think i'm weak
-long bathroom lines
-annoying bras
-bigger expectations from me
-ppl doubt me
-think i'm weak
-long bathroom lines
-annoying bras
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
my sister thinks she's better than me
That little shit thinks she's better than me! Oh, hell no!
My sister:
-she's in elementary school bout to go middle skool
-amount of friends: few
-she's 11 bout 2 b 12
-she thinks she's smarter than me (HA!!!!)
-she actually believes she's sexier than me (FUCK THAT!!!!!)
-she believes she's a better driver than me [in video games she always crashes or hits some1]
-she keeps thinkin she's taller (between 5 ft and 5'4'')
i'm a senior in high school bout 2 go 2 college and graduate
-amount of friends: between 25%-50% of the student body
-im 17 bout 2 b 18 in a couple months
-im (practically) legal 2 drive
-im 5'7"
-smell like vanilla or sugar cookies
My sister:
-she's in elementary school bout to go middle skool
-amount of friends: few
-she's 11 bout 2 b 12
-she thinks she's smarter than me (HA!!!!)
-she actually believes she's sexier than me (FUCK THAT!!!!!)
-she believes she's a better driver than me [in video games she always crashes or hits some1]
-she keeps thinkin she's taller (between 5 ft and 5'4'')
i'm a senior in high school bout 2 go 2 college and graduate
-amount of friends: between 25%-50% of the student body
-im 17 bout 2 b 18 in a couple months
-im (practically) legal 2 drive
-im 5'7"
-smell like vanilla or sugar cookies
My life revolves around my sister
Apparently, my life revolves around my little sister. What the fuck! Here are a few examples:

- I can't listen to my music at night because she has to sleep -_-
- I was almost late for the bus this morning cuz she didnt want 2 wake up this morning and took 2 long in the shower.
- My mom keeps tellin me 2 stay downstairs & watch her but i have 2 get ready 4 skool
- She always does the nosiest things when i'm trying to sleep
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Administration need to get off the throne!!!
They think they're all high and mighty. They actually believe they have control over us. so they try to run the skool like its their kingdom or its their law. HA! that's absolute bullshit!
This is what they see:

Here's what I see and what they can't see:
This is what they see:
Here's what I see and what they can't see:
Monday, November 18, 2013
What the fuck?!
at dinner, my sister started lookin at me funny. i asked what was she lookin at. she asked, "did ur butt get bigger?" what the fuck?! i replied "did ur zit get bigger?" shes lucky i didn't kill her at that moment. geez im self-conscious bout my body enough! and tellin me im getting fat makes it worse. god!
my ass kinda looks like this:

this is what my ass-hole sister saw:
my ass kinda looks like this:
this is what my ass-hole sister saw:
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Parents always doubting me
my parents are always doubting me. they encourage my little sister but they always put me down.
Examples of discouragement;
- They say I probably won't get my license (hey! im a better drivers than the assholes u cause accidents 4 other ppl)
- They say i won't be able to get a job cuz i'm still in high school, i'm a teenager, and my classes are a tad hard. (i can get a part-time or even a teen job and im gettin help with my classes)
Thursday, November 14, 2013
What the fuck?!
- My sister and I just recently had fundraisers for school. My dad only bought 2 items from me and bought 5 or 6 items from my little sister & my mom bought something from my sister and nothing from me! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?! That's bullshit! All she gets out of selling stuff are a few rinky dink prizes & i can go on a senior trip. SO NOT COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I was trying to have a convo with my mom but she was too busy with her tv show. I asked her which is more important: her tv show or listening 2 wat i haf 2 say. U know what she said: "This is my fav show." WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is just messed up! >:(
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
My mom just ruined my life!
You're probably wonderin..wow she complains bout her dad & her sister---her mom must be awesome.
My mom just told me the worst (reality) news ever! You see I planned a trip out of town with my girlfriend after my graduation for us to spend time together. And my mom said we would talk about it March. My mom decides to tell me that the family is coming along and that she never intended me and my girl go alone. WHAT THE SHIT HOLE?! And i was soo lookin forward to it too. :(
At that instant, my mom just killed my mood.
Dads...Favorites...Know my place
Geez, my dad has been on my case all week! First, I was vacuuming downstairs (my chore) and i emptied out the bag in the kitchen [dad & sister were in the kitchen]. He starts yelling at me, like "Lele, don't empty that near your sister!" For the record, my dad was closer to the dust bag than she was. He was right next to it & she was on the other of kitchen.
Then, he's complaining bout my bathroom bein too cold. Here's the thing, I can't breathe with the warm air on! I need my rooms completely cold so I close my vents when the heat is on and leave my fan on in the middle of the night.
Also, my sister is complaining bout me trying 2 whistle. My dad and my sister can whistle. I can kinda whistle, but i'm practicing in order to perfect it. And my sister's like, "Will you stop whistling or at least trying to whistle?!" And my dad enters this sisterly bickering convo by telling me not to complain when she does something I don't like.
Jesus, I know they don't think I'm not a part of this family but god damn at least take my side at least once in awhile not never!
Then, he's complaining bout my bathroom bein too cold. Here's the thing, I can't breathe with the warm air on! I need my rooms completely cold so I close my vents when the heat is on and leave my fan on in the middle of the night.
Also, my sister is complaining bout me trying 2 whistle. My dad and my sister can whistle. I can kinda whistle, but i'm practicing in order to perfect it. And my sister's like, "Will you stop whistling or at least trying to whistle?!" And my dad enters this sisterly bickering convo by telling me not to complain when she does something I don't like.
Jesus, I know they don't think I'm not a part of this family but god damn at least take my side at least once in awhile not never!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Cheerleaders...ugh! They think they're soo much better than everyone else:
- cutting ahead in lunch/bus line
- have to be the first ones out the door to leave class
- leaving class early and NOT suffering consequences
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Disgusting High
My high school is disgusting! Absolutely wretched.
- discarded chewed gum everywhere (bathroom stalls, desks, chairs, floors, walls)
- roaches and bugs crawling in the cafeteria and bathrooms
- Hazard toilets (so bad we have to put black garbage bags over a few)
- Brown drinking fountain water
- Unknown liquids all over the bathroom floor (in the GIRLS' bathroom)
- Discarded used pads on the toilet seats (that is just wrong!)
- TRASH EVERYWHERE! (no matter where you go there is trash somewhere in the room on the floor)
My school is a fucking hazard!!!!!!
Math Teachers
i swear all my teachers who specialize in math are gettin on my case today! They were lookin down on me and got annoyed at me cuz i couldn't understand what they're tryin to say. Well, excuse me if i don't get it! Can you NOT make me feel any more stupid than i already do?
Math teachers are confidence and self-esteem killers.
My expression:
i know where I stand in the family
So I was right...I AM at the bottom of the pedestal. Here's an example:
If my sister coughs, good God, drop everything cuz she's waaay more important! Do whatever's in your power to make her feel special. Oh but when i need help on homework and ask to go to school early...it's "It'll have to wait til tomorrow morning". WTF?! She's at the top of the pedestal and i get the end of the shaft! At least i have goals...this fuckin she-bitch doesn't want to go to college and wants to live off us for the rest of her life. My aunt says she'll grow up to be a stripper. LOL! XD she won't be those first-class strippers...she'll be those under-study substitute stripper like when the back-up back-up stripper can't make it they'll call her cuz they're desperate. HA!
it's almost winter and the school board expects us to wear khakis when the snow hits. WTF?! when one of the students lose a leg or both due to frostbite, they better not say anything when they get sued...or worse.
I hate Math. It's Mental Abuse To Humans. When am I ever in my lifetime gonna use x squared + y squared= square root of pi times cosine?!
High School Musical
Students singin & dancin in the middle of the hall. And no its not a flash mob if they do it every day every fuckin hour! This ain't High School Musical ppls! God!
I see high schoolers who are 16-18 yrs old suckin their thumbs. Really...how much of a child r u? These ppl make fun of me for bein different and I see tht on a regular basis. Thts bullshit! x( I swear I should take pics of this & post it just so they get a taste of the ridicule & verbal abuse I've felt all my life.
This is normal:

This is not:
This is normal:
This is not:
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Sorry guys
Hey viewers I'm sorry I haven't bn postin in a while...I've bn swapped with homework and being a high school senior xp
But don't worry starting soon I'll b posting again cuz trust me I don't think my life will stop sucking x(
Keep on reading!
But don't worry starting soon I'll b posting again cuz trust me I don't think my life will stop sucking x(
Keep on reading!
Friday, September 20, 2013
My worst enemy
My nemesis---(not naming names) lets call him J. I fucking can't stand him. I call him semen demon but now he's been upgraded (or down graded I should say) to Satan sperm. He spreads rumors about me and my friends by saying we're sluts and we'll do it whenever someone asks & he constantly takes my things! He needs to stay the fuck away from me before I get seriously mad! I have grown tired of his shit!
I swear he's the giant shit stain of humanity! He can ruin your day just by showing up! he is a fucking waste of DNA! For all I care he can go fuck himself...oh wait he already does XD
I swear he's the giant shit stain of humanity! He can ruin your day just by showing up! he is a fucking waste of DNA! For all I care he can go fuck himself...oh wait he already does XD
My little sister vs Me
My little sister (who is 11-years old) dresses like a slut! And my parents talk about how I dress?! WTF?!
My sister:
-low cut shirts (so low you can see side boob) xp
-leggings as pants (you can lips AND cheek [not that I'm actually...I'm just saying] )
-no bra (just parades around town with headlights)
-T shirts (sometimes V-neck but not low cut like my sister)
-mini skirts (i wear shorts under them)
*One time i wore shorts (since my legs are long they looked like short shorts) and my dad made me change
Uh...do they NOT notice how slutty their youngest daughter dresses and they come at me for a pair of shorts?!
Also, her attitude stinks! I swear when she hits middle school, she's gonna get schooled! And I'm gonna be standing there saying "I fucking told ya so!"
Sometimes I wish someone can smack some sense into her just so she'll get the concept!
My sister:
-low cut shirts (so low you can see side boob) xp
-leggings as pants (you can lips AND cheek [not that I'm actually...I'm just saying] )
-no bra (just parades around town with headlights)
-T shirts (sometimes V-neck but not low cut like my sister)
-mini skirts (i wear shorts under them)
*One time i wore shorts (since my legs are long they looked like short shorts) and my dad made me change
Uh...do they NOT notice how slutty their youngest daughter dresses and they come at me for a pair of shorts?!
Also, her attitude stinks! I swear when she hits middle school, she's gonna get schooled! And I'm gonna be standing there saying "I fucking told ya so!"
Sometimes I wish someone can smack some sense into her just so she'll get the concept!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
My blog
Most of you guys who read my blog, you're probably thinking "This chick has issues and defo needs some counseling." This blog is my way of getting out my feelings, instead of bottling it up like I would.
I may start another blog on fantasy showdowns (picking random people and saying who would win in a fight).
I may start another blog on fantasy showdowns (picking random people and saying who would win in a fight).
My little sister
My little sister....IS A FUCKING LITTLE BITCH!!!!!
Her attitude stinks! I'm trying to open the door with my new key (it kinda tends to get sticky in the lock), the door cracks open just a little, my sister rushes past me; pushing my arm---the key is still in the lock. She nearly breaks my key in the lock. I go to confront her like "Dude, you almost broke my key!" and she replies "Well, you should have moved your arm." HOLY MARY MOTHER OF SHIT i wanted to beat her ass down sooo bad that day.She's so arrogant. She actually told me she's on top of the pedestal and everyone at the bottom are peasants. I swear her attitude is starting to piss me the hell off.
Oh the ancient sibling rivalry question: Who's the favorite?
Back when it was just me and my step-brother, he (probably) was favorite at his place and I was favorite at mine. But since my sister was born, no one gives a shit about me. It's like when I try to play favs now, everyone gets pissed off.
- For example, my sister and I take the same allergy pills. There was 1 left in the bottle. My mom decided i should get it. Then my dad has a hiss fit about me getting the last pill and says my sister deserves more than me.
Ya see how the scale shifts to her side? -_-
Some dads are awesome and buy their children whatever they ask for.
Not my dad...my dad belittles me. He looks down on me because I'm different from the family. He even jokes and says I'm adopted. Soon after he was serious about that joke.. Wtf?! I may not be the eldest daughter you wanted but I'm still your kid. He even tries to change the way I am. He says i should act more like my race. Ok, the black girls in my town are fucking bitches who get knocked up at age 13 to 14. All right, I'll go down the block, find an asshole boyfriend, have him rape my ass, and have a baby while in college. -_-
Fuck that shit! I love the way I am and some others do too (my girlfriend and my best friend).
So yea if my dad wants his dream daughter, he can go spend time with my little sister who is a bitch with an attitude.
Not my dad...my dad belittles me. He looks down on me because I'm different from the family. He even jokes and says I'm adopted. Soon after he was serious about that joke.. Wtf?! I may not be the eldest daughter you wanted but I'm still your kid. He even tries to change the way I am. He says i should act more like my race. Ok, the black girls in my town are fucking bitches who get knocked up at age 13 to 14. All right, I'll go down the block, find an asshole boyfriend, have him rape my ass, and have a baby while in college. -_-
Fuck that shit! I love the way I am and some others do too (my girlfriend and my best friend).
So yea if my dad wants his dream daughter, he can go spend time with my little sister who is a bitch with an attitude.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
1st day of school
Sup ppls? I'm back blogging and back in school. First I wanna start off saying: senior year is finally here! So far here's what happens on my first day:
- One of my most hated enemies (we'll call him J) is running down the stairs to catch the AM tech bus. Everyone, who is already on the bus, looks at J outside their windows and don't even bother stopping the bus driver. It was like "Drive, drive, drive!!!" It was hilarious.
- I get back to school from tech. [Tech-not a bad first day :) ] I find out that every class I have except the last period of the day is with J!!! 'What the fuck?! Is this karma? For not stopping the bus driver this morning?'
- A fight breaks out just a few feet away from my new locker. I don't give a shit what you guys argue about...move out the damn way! I don't wanna be here any longer than I need to.
- Another fight breaks out....in the middle of the road. Some younger classmen girl starts arguing with some dude in his car. She's yelling, then takes off her bags, and then kicks the dude's car. What the hell? The dude drove off, didn't even get out the car. The girl walked on home. If that was me, I'd be like "Oh, hell no! You did not just kick my car, bitch!" And I would have kicked her ass right then and there.
So yeah that's what happens on a Wednesday at MacArthur High. -_-
More posts coming your way. Happy reading. :)
Friday, July 26, 2013
being the middle child
Why does my family hate me so much?
Is it because I'm different, that I'm not like them? Or maybe they're sick of hearing my voice everyday...I'm at my wit's end peoples.
I can't wait to move out and away from this hell hole I call domestic housing.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Being a teenager (or kid)
Click on this link if you're a teenager cuz trust me I think you can relate (sure as hell I do).
Click on this link if you're a teenager cuz trust me I think you can relate (sure as hell I do).
Just listen to the lyrics.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Attention readers:
According to stats, you guys really like reading the school-related teen angst. Don't worry...more of those will be posted in August because I will returning to school for my senior year next month. Please keep reading peoples :)
Your views make me write more and more.
My complicated relationship
Now let's talk about my relationship.
My relationship is extremely complicated. First let me say this now, I have a girlfriend and I'm not a lesbian...I'm bisexual. DON'T JUDGE ME. I have this on-and-off relationship with my girlfriend for like a year now. We started dating at the end of February last year. She broke up with me in the beginning of April (days after her b-day and days before my sweet 16 party) because she was in love with me and didn't think I felt the same (which I did). We got back together in the beginning of May. She dumped me again in the beginning of July for a guy who turned out to be a total asshole! We got back together again when Obama won 2nd term. For the record, our parents don't know we're bisexual...so it's not that easy to go on dates and not making it seem like a date.
Now you're all caught up on the background. Okay, here's the verdict:
- Whenever I plan a date and contact her about her RSVP, I don't get a friggin' response! On the day of date, just minutes before the appointed meeting, I still don't get a call, email, or even a text.
- Whenever I just wanna talk, no call...no email...no text...no letter.
- The only times she talks to me is either she's apologizing for something she fucked up or maybe for a split second (enough to reply "hey hun") and send like 3 to 4 text messages and call twice wondering what the fuck happened.
Being the middle child
I know I talked about angry parents before but this time...just wow -_-
Here's what happened:
The whole family (parents, little sister, and me) were going to Verizon about my dad's phone. [It was really hot outside.] We got in the car and as we pull out the driveway, I asked a simple question; "Why do we ( my sister and I) have to go?" and my mom said, "Because I said so!" She got all snippy for one damn question! I swear I thought the heat was getting to them. But I was wrong...that was just her normal attitude.
I'm serious...it sucks being the middle child. Or better yet, it sucks being me. -_-
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Exclusive! The newspaper lied!
About a couple months ago, I read an article in the Herald and Review about my school. [I don't exactly remember what it said...so bear with me] The article was talking about my principal being a great woman and all that stuff.
My principal, whom I call Black Caesar, is a heartless evil shrew!!!!
How she's heartless:
- makes the students stand in the rain and cold
- makes students who have passes stay outside with the rest of student body or makes them walk around the school to the other side
- makes you stand outside even if there is a suspicious person stalking you in their white corolla
How she's a evil shrew:
- she preys on innocent students
- she stands in the middle of the hall which is hard to get past with students blocking both sides of her thus making practically tardy to class
Why I call her Black Caesar:
she thinks she's the overlord of the school- she's African-American (it's ok I can say it since I am too)
- she thinks the fucking warden of the prison I call MacArthur High
Sibling hatred
My sister wants me dead XP
The other day I was joking around with her like I always do.
"I finally rode my bike," she said.
"Into a wall?" I replied, laughing. Then, she started counting.
"Why are you counting?" I asked.
"I'm counting to ten so I won't strangle you," she answered, through her teeth.
When she was two, she pushed me down the stairs. Luckily, I landed in the laundry basket filled with my [dirty] clothes. And how I know I was pushed by her was I felt something hit my back when I fell and when I looked up from my basket rescue at the top of the stairs...there she was sitting smiling from ear to ear.
You tell me that does not sound like that bitch is trying to get rid of me!
The other day I was joking around with her like I always do.
"I finally rode my bike," she said.
"Into a wall?" I replied, laughing. Then, she started counting.
"Why are you counting?" I asked.
"I'm counting to ten so I won't strangle you," she answered, through her teeth.
When she was two, she pushed me down the stairs. Luckily, I landed in the laundry basket filled with my [dirty] clothes. And how I know I was pushed by her was I felt something hit my back when I fell and when I looked up from my basket rescue at the top of the stairs...there she was sitting smiling from ear to ear.
You tell me that does not sound like that bitch is trying to get rid of me!
Friday, July 5, 2013
Being the middle child
*ATTENTION: parents...don't take your anger out on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just because you're pissed off at somebody else or whatever does not mean you can take it out on me!
For example, say I'm on the laptop just writing away all of sudden angry parent bursts in yelling their ass off, then they look at me, and start yelling at me for doing absolutely nothing! What the hell? If you're mad, talk to a damn therapist or take it outside!!!
Just because you're pissed off at somebody else or whatever does not mean you can take it out on me!
For example, say I'm on the laptop just writing away all of sudden angry parent bursts in yelling their ass off, then they look at me, and start yelling at me for doing absolutely nothing! What the hell? If you're mad, talk to a damn therapist or take it outside!!!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
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