Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My sister

My little sister....ugh! I can't believe we're related! Here's what goes on:
-she tells my business
Can't keep nothing to her fucking self!

-she's anti-gay
She's all like "why can't you like guys? Dad's not gonna like it if you marry a woman. He's gonna disown you."
I don't give a flying fuck! It's my lifestyle! And I like I love it!

-she complains about me to our parents
I have beads around my doorknob & she tells my dad to take them of cuz they make too much noise. I've had them on my doorknob for 2 months & now she cops an attitude?! WTF!

-her slut wear
She is fucking 12 & dresses like a whore by wearing too tight shirts & shorty mcshorts shorts!

I don't know how much more I can take XP