Friday, September 9, 2016

My roommate

And here I thought I would stop posting once I moved into my new dorm room away from my family. I was straight up wrong! My roommate is an immature little shit!

First she would go out for parties and get tipsy (even though she's under age) all the time the first week of school.

Second she got needy. She desperately craved attention. Whenever I would ignore her to study or do homework she would throw random objects at me to get my attention. Even when I told her to quit it after the first time. She threw a pillow, a spoon, a wad of yarn, and a magnet at me!

Third she's messy. Her side of the room is always a wreck (worse than mine which is saying something cuz I'm usually a organized mess). And her stuff is usually on my side of the room.

Fourth she's narcissistic. She constantly talks about her fuck buddies, sex life, and how's she is better looking than me. Are fucking kidding me?!!

Fifth she's inconsiderate. I'm allergic to garlic and she orders pizza with garlic sauce even though she knows the smells makes me ill too. And always (loudly) Skyping people when I'm trying to work on homework and studying!

Ugh! A junior really shouldn't have to room with a freshman. I chose her but her profile said she was the opposite of what she is now. Even when we video chatted she did not appear this way. Fucking hell!!!