Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My "girlfriend"

Well, my girlfriend hasn't talked to me in weeks. She doesn't answer the phone when I call. She doesn't reply my texts. And she deleted her Facebook page so I can't find out what's goin on between us. I have no way of contacting her period. That is til I made a fake Facebook page. And here's what I found out:

  • her relationship with "fake" boyfriend seemed very romantic and REAL when I saw their posts about/to one another
  • also this shit has been going on since my birthday in January (so she's bn cheating on me for 10 months now!)
  • the dude she's allegedly is last place compared to me! (as in he's not attractive---not even a little bit)
  • also her Facebook page was never deleted...she BLOCKED me this entire time!!!!!!!!!
  • she calls him the pet names she called me!
She doesn't even have the fucking gall to break up with me to my face! (Technically she's still my girl since she hasn't officially broken up with me yet.)I had to find out this way by spying on her and underhandedly create a fake Facebook page! WHAT THE FUCK?!!!?!!!?!!!?!!!

I actually don't blame her. I hate the dude who stole her away from me!!!!!! I hate him more than I should hate her!

sister is self-centered

my little sister is so self-centered! my god she is so self-absorbed! So full of herself. my older half-brother [finally] came to visit the other day. my little sister straight up said "I'm your favorite little sister". WTH? When she was younger, she couldn't stand him! Hypocrite much? Then we started reminiscing about times we got free food (due to wrong orders) and she replied "I get free stuff cuz I'm cute". Geez what a giant-ass ego on that one. XP

Thursday, October 9, 2014

My mom is such an anti-gay hypocrite!

My mom and I were having a convo about my friend, who's a transgender female. My mom turned up her nose in disgust and said "[LGBT] Girls and guys are so confused...God made you one way...they need to go to church and learn something." Wow, she says she's not anti-gay but that statement kinda sounds like it right?

Then, it was National Coming Out day and I was hanging out with the P.R.I.D.E. club at their booth. They gave me a couple P.R.I.D.E. ribbon badges to celebrate. When my mom came to get me, she saw my pins and made me take them off. She's all like "I told you not to join that club" (oh yeah like she was gonna stop me from joining the one club where I could be accepted no matter what my sexuality is) so I lied and said I was checking out their booth. She replied, "It's [the club] weird."

OMFG! My mom is such an anti-gay hypocrite. She has a couple of gay cousins and she gets along with one of them and and they even work together. I honestly don't know what her problem is but obviously that means I won't be coming out of the closet to my family anytime soon or ever for that matter.