Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What is yourself?

People just have judge by who you are( yeah I'm talking to you MacArthur bitches and mom & dad!), by what you do and say (my some of my alleged friends and MacArthur High), and by how you look(that would be almost everyone). So what if I'm bisexual and "supposedly" emo. Fuck off then! So what if I have an want me to lie? Who cares if I wear all black sometimes...I (sometimes) splash in some neon colors but other than that it's my can't tell me what to wear!

People who judge me:
Practically everyone!

People who judge me but really shouldn't:
My family and some of my friends

1 comment:

  1. yes it gets very annoying when people try to judge you on who you are I hate that, just let you be you no one can stop you
